21st Century Educational Alternatives: Confronting Racial Capitalism, Patriarchy, Militarism, and the Climate Crisis
Unisciti a TAP e studiosi che la pensano allo stesso modo alla conferenza virtuale del CIES ad aprile. Per la prima volta, la conferenza include un percorso tematico, 21st Century Socialism: Global Alternatives to Patriarchy, Racial Capitalism, and Climate Change. Sessioni di seguito:
Our new SIG, 21st Century Educational Alternatives: Confronting Racial Capitalism, Patriarchy, Militarism, and the Climate Crisis is now official at the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES). It was formed by us, The Alternatives Project. TAP is a diverse, transnational collective of progressive academics, union members, civil society activists, and social movement participants concerned with building a global collective critical voice-oriented towards education and societal transformation. We felt CIES needed a place and home for progressive scholars who are seeking more fundamental changes to comparative and international education and related research, so we formed this SIG.

CIES 2024 Sessions